Hello Friends of FEBS! Happy Monday!
We are elated to announce an update for the ongoing Matching Fundraiser towards the security equipment needed in order to move birds into their spacious new state of the art aviaries!
Special THANKS to our original donor, The Wilkins Family, who generously put up funds for matching. We have had another donor match the original 6k! A big shout out to Miami!
We have scheduled for the work to be done and have paid 1/2 down. There will be some small further costs to complete this project so we have decided to extend this fundraiser through August. Every dime that YOU, Friend of FEBS donate will be matched dollar for dollar!
We honestly could not do our work without the generosity, kindness and love from all of you!
Stay watching for pictures and updates as this project moves forward!
Donate directly to PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LJV52Y8GZD8EW
Checks can be made out to Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary and be mailed to:
Florida Exotic Bird Sanctuary
8933 Casper Ave
Hudson, FL 34667
Taking a tour is a way to give while getting! https://www.flabirdsanctuary.org/tour
#FloridaExoticBirdSanctuary #SanctuaryInPerpetuity #Parrot #Bird #LettingBirdsBeBirds #ParrotLover #ParrotSanctuary #BirdSanctuary #ThingsToDoInTampa #TasteAndSeeTampaBay #FloridaOnATankful #NatureCoast #AdventureCoast #PlightOfTheParrot #TampaBay #Tampa #Nonprofit #Sanctuary #Volunteer #Volunteers #Donate #DonateNow #Expand #ExpansionProject
