Our Mission
With millions of parrots produced by the pet trade each year, the population of captive birds continues to grow. This excessive breeding of parrots has become a heartbreaking tragedy. With life spans of up to 100 years, parrots have a built-in homeless factor which means almost every long-lived parrot will outlive its original guardian. FEBS was established for the purpose of helping as many of these parrots as possible.
At FEBS, our one and only purpose is to provide a safe haven for parrots to live out their lives in a happy, healthy and natural environment. The captive bird population continues to grow. As peoples’ interests fade and the birds AND the people get older, the overpopulation of parrots is destined to become a heartbreaking tragedy.
Our Team

Patricia Norton
Founder/President/Bird Mother
Patricia is President and CEO of FEBS. She founded the sanctuary in 2003 upon recognizing the dire need for a no-kill, no-adoption, lifelong shelter for homeless and unwanted parrots. Her expertise in parrot care and behavior management was gained during her 10 years as an avian veterinary clinical technician prior to forming FEBS. Patricia has two adult children, John and Katie, who share her passion and commitment to responsible and loving treatment of all animals.

Stephanie Dripps
Vice President/Board Member
Stephanie serves as the Vice President and a caretaker at FEBS, embarking on her journey with the organization as a volunteer in 2017. Within four months, her dedication led to her becoming an employee. Residing in Hudson, Florida, Stephanie shares her home with her husband, three children, and a Great Dane. Stephanie's beloved parrot, Berri the Quaker, calls the sanctuary home. She finds joy in her off-time exploring antique malls, flea markets, and car shows. Stephanie also enjoys Marvel movies, as well as indulging her green thumb with landscaping projects.

John Wiggins
On-Site Caretaker/Board Member
John is a member of the Board of Directors, the onsite caretaker, and a full-time caregiver for FEBS. His extensive knowledge in the care, grooming and handling of parrots comes from having grown up surrounded by many exotic birds as play-friends, plus his five years of practical experience at FEBS. John is a favorite of our tour guests due to his wealth of information, enthusiasm and bubbly personality.
Dennis Padget
Treasurer/Board Member
Dennis is Treasurer of FEBS, a Board Member, and a permanent resident of The Villages. He has volunteered at the sanctuary since 2018. A retired Certified Public Accountant, Dennis was a self-employed Medicare compliance and billing consultant most of his career. He enjoys golf, musical concerts, singing, playing the piano, landscaping, reading, and visiting/dining with friends during his leisure time.

Janice Popkin
Secretary/Board Member
Janice is Secretary of FEBS, a Board Member, and a Florida native originally from St. Petersburg. She has been both a volunteer and employee of the sanctuary since 2021. Janice retired from a career in Information Technology as a systems analyst and project manager. She enjoys outdoor activities: boating, snorkeling, hiking, gardening, and walking the beach.