Happy October Friends of FEBS!
It has been an interesting month for the Sanctuary. A very close call from Hurricane Ian, followed by an unexpected cold front that had us scrambling to get heat lamps up in a matter of hours. Our staff and volunteers were nothing short of AMAZING!
Now that the Holidays are upon us we are asking anyone who are local to donate their pumpkins if you aren't using them for pies! As well as when they go on sale at local groceries please consider donating them to us! We cut them up and freeze them and as you can see in the pictures the birds absolutely love them! If you would like to donate through our website towards a pumpkin purchase, that would be awesome! Click here to be taken to our donation page: https://www.flabirdsanctuary.org/make-a-donation
In December we have some exciting news. We can't wait to share with you all!
Thank you all so much for your continued support and love!
Take a tour with us: https://www.flabirdsanctuary.org/tour
#FloridaExoticBirdSanctuary #SanctuaryInPerpetuity #Parrot #Bird #LettingBirdsBeBirds #ParrotLover #ParrotSanctuary #BirdSanctuary #ThingsToDoInTampa #TasteAndSeeTampaBay #FloridaOnATankful #NatureCoast #AdventureCoast #PlightOfTheParrot #TampaBay #Tampa #Nonprofit #Sanctuary #Volunteer #Volunteers #Donate #DonateNow

The parrots are so lucky to have you Pat and your team . As long as I have known you the birds come first , you have dedicated you life to them that take someone who truly loves the birds and has a passion to be with them care for them and love them endlessly .
The fresh sprouts and vegies , fruits you have grown fresh for them just takes it up to another level . The birds are so happy that is easy to see . my parrot will spend his forever years with you . 😇